Hey guys! I got Tarzan! The bird i was telling you guys about that had a plucking problem because she was next to a male she didnt like. Well i got her home and she is soooooooo sweet. When i first took her out of the carrier she said "Ooooah" and stretched her neck to give me a kiss. She is amazing and so far seems to be taking the re-homing process rather well.
She makes tons of sounds in the morning int he morning to wake me up haha. Ill go over and talk to her for a bit. I get her out and she "hangs out" with me for a little while. After a little while of talking and kisses and noise making, I put her on top of her cage and she sits up there for a good while (btw should there be a time limit to how longs she is out?) while i do my usual morning routines and she makes her occasional noises. Well the first morning of having her, I looked over to see her messing with her feathers. I use the term "messing" loosely because i have no clue exactly what she is doing. So i took a video for you guys to watch and tell me what it is she is doing. The only reason i have doubts that it is plucking is because i see no feathers lying around in the cage or around it. Only two or three small "tufts" of feathers. I can't decide if i want to say she is plucking or possibly preening. Can you guys please tell me what you think she is doing? Thanks! -Chris
-Also if it is preening, i have heard about overpreening? and i am worried that she may do it too much because she is constantly doing it.
-When she gets on top of the cage, she gets up there and does not like for me to take her off. She insists on biting me. What do i do in that behavioral situation?
-We just ordered a new cage for her because the one she is in from the owner is just horrible. Looks like it hasn't been cleaned in years and it is very rusty (which cant be good for Tarzan). So what do i need to do for her to be comfortable in the other cage? I know it will be hard because she is so scared of the new toy i got her and the new perch as well. Help please! And thanks again!