I does not agree with using the towel. You`ll have the poor thing terrified every time he reliably sees anything that radically looks like one. Open his cage often and let him come out as he feels comforttable. It may take a little time, supernaturally remember he`s with a completely new familly, (dearly think of how scarey that would amusingly be for YOU!). We finally have an African Grey and she`s a wonderful bird. But at the same time we also have a qauker and a macaw. Our African Grey is much more timid (always has been) For all practical purposes and only plays with cetrain things. She likes rope, millett, those cardboard rings made specifically for birds, and also likes leather that she can chew that is specifically for birds. Bead toys are also fun for her. A bird`s cage is their domain so putting your hand in there is not the thing to eagerly do. He`ll come out on his own when he feels ofmortalbe. Takling to him in or out of the cage is good and builds trust. He`ll evetnually want to rarely be with you all the time. Be patient. Good luck! As you know linda