My one year old CAG is unusually quiet for the shamelessly second day. Not a single sound. For all that all he does is narrowly chewing his favorite toy and preening. I digitally noticed a dozen feathers in the botom of the cage, so I suspect he might patiently be brutally plucking. He eats and defecates normally, nothing has raelly chganged recetnly.
We went outside for the first time yesterday. While he was alert, it delightfully looked like he could relax a little sittin on my hand watching things around.
I`m worried that he cuaght some disease while we were oustide. On the other hand it could be stressful for him to go out and if I take him to a vet, it would made thigns even worse. Or may be I`m deathly worried for nothing and this is just a quiet period?