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Kevin ritson

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Everything posted by Kevin ritson

  1. Haha un concealer. Class that coment. Yes i am releaved its like having a baby again. I worry lol
  2. Well she seems fine this morning, thank god
  3. she seems fine, it wasnt a lot of it, just nabed some on her beak ind inside her beak
  4. my grey has just managed to nab some tea tree concealer of my wife while she was putting it on, im worried it might hurt her, was a small amout though
  5. Thanks guys ill look into it some more
  6. I'm going away in august and its just dawned on me what am i going to do? What do u guys do when ur on ur hols?
  7. Thanks guys, its amazing how she has fended me ;-)
  8. Maybe a silly question but when me and nikki are saying hello to each other after some being apart for most the day she will let scratch her head then mouth my finger and feelit with her tounge, is this just being intrested in my hand or is this something more? i'm new to birds hence the silly question
  9. I take it standing on one foot bowing head for a scratch is a sign of contentness
  10. Say hello to nikki guys, 8 month old, and is amazing!!
  11. quick update added some toys and moved to a better location :-) just need a grey now lol
  12. Born and bred lol. Im a home owner so i get away with it lol
  13. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Large-Bird-Parrot-Cage-Aviary-Cage-Pet-Macaw-African-Gray-Cockatiels-Portable-/400409975044?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Birds&hash=item5d3a4b5904 Is this cage ok? i thought powder coating was a no no
  14. Thank you guys for all ur answers. as sson as i get a grey i will share a pic for u guys :cool:
  15. Thank you! you have put me at ease, when u say foregeing could u give me some examples on what i can do to give the parrot that to do, by the ways guys awsome forum!
  16. I hope its going to be fine. Ive wanted one since i was 17 im 32 lol. He/she will get all the attention requiered from me when im there. Always welfare before my needs.
  17. Hi my name is kev and im from west cumbria, my dilema is this, i'm 99% sure im getting a grey but this is bothering me i work 8 hours a day and im woried this is to much away, i have been told its not a issue as longs as he/she gets the attention when im there, and when im not to leave the tv on and make sure there is plenty of toys, by the looks of this site i will be set right on this issue :-)
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