Okay so I'm from New Zealand. I don't actually have an African grey, I joined this site however because I am 100% set on getting one. I know about all the time, money, patients, care and most importantly, love that goes into having one of these fellas join the family.
I'm actually quite young, (a teen but not of your normal kind) however despite that I know I can handle befriending and devoting my life to these guys. When I was eleven and a half I finally saved up enough money to afford a lovely new friend, a bare-eyed cockatoo. I hand fed Gandvy three times a day, down to two and weened him off. He (assumption) and I quickly became best friends. I did about a year or so worth of research before I got him, reading through books, talking to our favourite pet store owner who was really just in it for the pets and of course wiki and other internet sites.
After awhile he learnt to say my name and as soon as he heard the car come up the drive way he would start screaming my name until I let him out of his cage (which I always did until he was ready for bed) and would then come give me kisses. He learnt to say hugs too and would say that before snuggling into my neck or leaning forward for scratches.
I'm sad to say that within a year our friendship was cut short by my older sister who, without thinking, took him to see the horse whilst I was at school.. Even more sadly it was not cut sort because he flew away, he would never fly away from home, but because he was squished due to his tendency to beat up scary things rather than run from then.
Finally, 5 ish years later I, although not over him, am ready to adopt a new feathered friend. I've learnt much from Gandvy, things that I can once again put to use with these big fellas.
Now first of all, I know they need a large cage, I have one that is quite substantial for something of an African grey size however I'm thinking I will get two, so they have a friend even whilst I'm not home.
So I have a few questions I'd love some advice on.
1: Is getting two together (young) a good idea? Remembering I'm not new to the world of cheeky parrots.
2: What size is the minimum I should have the cage for two birds, I know my cage is large enough for one but I want to make sure two will be happy in it.
3: What food do you advise feeding them? Nobody near me breeds them so unfortunately they come shipped from another place, however I have made 100% sure they survive the trip well. They come with some feed they are already on to make any transition to new feed easier on them. But what should I avoid having in the seed mix? I have heard not to get them ones with sunflower seeds in it, is this a good idea?
4: What food kills them? I know that like my old friend, no avocado, chocolate, seeds of fruit, tobacco and not too much fatty, salty, or sweet food either, of course. However what about grape seeds? Also I know that I need to be careful about how much pesticides are in them, we have our own grape vine and the rest I'll just be cautious of.
5: I know that they should have heaps of fresh fruit and veg but is there such thing as too much?
6: How often should I take them to a vets to get a check up? I won't be adopting them for at least another four months just so I know I have everything ready, part of which is finding out who the best bird vet is in Christchurch. They will also be taken there just after they arrive, in case they're stressed or anything.
7: Toys and puzzles are a must, I know that much but is there anything I should watch out for? With Gandvy I never liked to get him things like hanging things that had rubber bands or plastic rings simply because I thought "what if he swallows some?" Is that just me being paranoid or is there logic in that?
8: If I have to get a new cage it will be one with a perch on top, I like the idea of that. But should I get a perch for them other than on the cage? I do have cats so maybe they would like something high and away from them? Although my last bird (who was on the smaller side of parrots) quickly taught them the difference between a snack and a part of the family.
9: Clipping of wings, thoughts on that? Does it matter either way? Personally if there are no problems with it I like the idea of having them not clipped so they can be a little more free to roam. However I'm not sure what CAG's are like for not flying away from home.. I was able to let my bare-eyed cockatoo go outside to enjoy the trees and he'd return when he was lonely or if I called him down. Are these fellas the kind who vary depending on the individual as to if they would fly away?
10: I'm going to get food and toys before getting the birds so they can be set up waiting for the birdies to arrive but is there anything else they should have and is there anything else I should know? I'm going to have spare money aside in case something goes wrong and they need to go to the vets, anything else I should prepare for? Anything big or small I should know?
Okay that was a bit more than a few questions.. All well. Thank you all. I appreciate your time and look forward to learning new experiences!