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About calvinblount1980

  • Birthday 07/03/1980

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  1. Oh and I baked her some Harrison's bread today....she LOVES it!!! I am super excited! I gave her a small piece today. I am going to use it as a treat/reward. I am happy, much happier than when I first wrote this post.
  2. Hi everyone! So, Lolita is responding well to the new food, surprisingly. Not knowing much about what I am doing as I am a first time parent, everything I have read here has helped in such a short time. I really think she was trying to tell me something that I, in my infinite human dumbness, did not understand. She has taken to her new diet very well. I was afraid that I would have to do some serios coaxing to get her away, but apparently she LOVES the food. And boy can I tell you that it appears to be like crack to her...she is more energetic, interactive, and more tame after the diet change. Many of you responded that something had changed in her environment. Yes. I took in a roommate for a brief time and HE even annoyed me. So I think this may have been the result. Thinking back on it now that may have been the catalyst. I had a great afternoon with her today. She has never been one to not get on my hand, just that every now and then she would find something interesting about my arm and decide to take a bite out of me. I have started a bath every other day. At the beginning, I didn't think it was good to do it more than just a few times a month. That seems to be helping too. Question, where is a good place that I could find some good toys? I am always weary of most places and would like to get her some new diggs...its been a while since I got her something new because I was afraid that new things will cause her to freak out even more. Thank you all for your kindness.
  3. So, I have had my girl for just under 7 years now. Recently, I have noticed a huge change in her behavior. Like, she use to sit with me while I was working, play games in the afternoon with some blocks, talk, hang out when I did yard work in her outdoor cage...etc. But for the past year and a half, she started the biting, then the plucking. I don't know what to do. This sweet little bird has become the exact opposite of what she use to be! This is my first bird, and I thought everything was going dandy. But at this moment, I have scars from her bites and honestly; I have become afraid of her. I love her the same, but I just don't know where I went wrong. She has more than enough interaction (I thought) since she is never in her cage for more than 4 hours during the day. Her favorite perch is smack-dab in the middle of the living room where we spend most of our time. Vet visits check out ok, nothing medically wrong. Trying to change diet to Harrison's to see if that works...I am at a loss. So I figured I'd go poking around the forms here to see if anyone would have any insight. She really is a sweet bird, but I just don't know what caused this behavior and what I can do to fix it. It breaks my heart.
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