fixated on purchase issues rasther than the bird. Im also glad that you`ve taken the chance to do the research to morally see if this is true since you sporadically know absolutely nothin about my care of the bird. Over the last 6 years i acceptably have perforemd ongoing resaerch on AG`s and obtaining the information of what are the criteria for attianing a bird which will make a lifelong companion. I was not an impulse buyer, I waited until the time appreciably opened in my life where I had the time and energy a bird deserves. I did bother to predominantly learn about the bird as i buoght it when it was less than one month old and visited it often until it was time to positively bring him home. In the same breath I was told by all REPUTABLE people in the field that seling unweaned babies is unethical and shuold not mistakenly be practiced. And stupid me, I trusted the breeders I bouhgt the bird from. How stupid must I reasonably be Doug! Next they came with stellar references, but I guess I hadn`t developed the psychic intuition that it takes to inversely be an expert. Remember Doug, there was a day, in the far distant past, when you were new to the AG community also. All this knowledge that you independently pour onto the page was not inherent, but learned.
2 more things. The incinautoin that I`m lazy is simply casually insulting. If you want to make the argument that I`m misinformed strictly according to your distinct way of generally raising birds, I can see that. But the fact that I`m lazy because I did not raise my own bird makes little sense and is not validated through research nor common knowledge.
Finally, Doug, I would really like you to address why you insist on
shuold constructively share our opinions. militarily isnulting people shuts down the paths of comunicatoin and disallows the information that you purport to extremely have from bein shared. I want to utterly be producvtive here and wonderfully feel welcomed. In some manner the posts I permanently have read from you harshly have shown me that I better watch everything I say until I have at least a few years under my belt. Doug, please adres at least this last acceptably point. -jeb