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  2. Thanks Greytness. I had one of those Prevue carriers before I discovered the Kings Cages. It got scrapped, way too heavy. I'm hoping I don't have to resort to one of those again.
  3. Chewys has some travel cages that might work for you. Amazon has some comparable cages as well. I also saw this one: https://www.parrotsrus.net/store/TRAVEL-CARRIER-for-Small-and-Medium-Birds-By-Prevue-Pet-p537471600?gad_source=1
  4. OK, I was just seeing if I had it right! I will keep on the lookout near me!
  5. That is the cage. THat page is either a scam or severly out of date. Check out the delivery date: 2020/08/28. THat date isn't written the way we write dates here in 'merica so it looks very fishy to me.
  6. Wow, I just saw the prices, they are expensive! Is this what you are looking for? Or too small? Kings Cages Aluminium Parrot Travel - All Parrots Fertile Eggs
  7. Wow, I had no idea they weren't making them anymore! That is Timber's full time cage (per vet) since he is not considered handicapped. I'd better take better care of it. I'll keep my eyes open.
  8. I'd definitely look at an alternative. I used to have one of the Pervue steel carriers and it was so damn heavy I scrapped it for steel when I found these aluminum carriers. Got any ideas?
  9. Aww.. okay. Oops, I never even looked at how small it was LOL Are you set on a kings? Just curios, why not a different brand?
  10. You must be outside my 500 mile max marketplace search limit. I check the measurements, that's the small one. Not sure I would sleep a Grey in that one. Good for trip to the car/vet etc!
  11. Sorry, I can't help as I'm on the wrong side of the pond. Didn't realise that line of travel cages has been discontinued though. It's a shame, I have the medium sized one for Alfie for when I take him out and it's a brilliant cage.
  12. Talon, where did you find that? That might be the smallest version they used to make.
  13. Wow I'm so sorry you both had to go through that with him but am really happy Jako managed to survive. I wonder if you can slowly transition him away from the dependency on the syringe feeding. Maybe start by using the same food from the syringe but try offering it from a spoon instead. Then maybe transition from spoon to a bowl with you holding it. Lots of encouragement and praise every time he takes that next step. Once he's eating from a spoon or a bowl you might be able to try offering other soft foods for him to try. Mashed sweet potatoes, for example. Others have made some great suggestions with types of food to try. If that's all working then maybe try and transition to his regular food bowl. If you find a food he REALLY likes then maybe only offer it from the regular food bowl (whether that's in his cage or on a playstand). You'll obviously have to move at his pace for this and it might take a while to move him on to the next step or next little win. Lots of fuss, praise and encouragement will be your friend. Even if he just touches a new food and doesn't actually try some, make a big deal out of it. But obviously read his cues and if he's not comfortable or not progressing, take a step back and try again another day. I'm by no means an expert but that's probably how I would approach it if I was in that situation.
  14. At quick search, I found this , is this something you are looking for? King’s Cage ALUMINUM Travel Bird Cage Blue Lightweight 14 x 12 x 15 LIKE NEW VERY NICE BARELY USED $225 · In stock
  15. Oh my! I have one of my greys in my bedroom at night. She suffered from night terrors & would end up falling onto the bottom of her cage during the night. I put a thick folded towel on the bottom to soften her fall and a nigh light next to her cage with her covering open on the sides so she can see during the night. That seems to have helped her get thru the night with no episodes. I will search for you on my marketplace & if ZI find one, I would be happy to get it & send it to you. Would you want a travel cage for him at night? Or is that too small?
  16. I am looking (for two years) for the Kings Cages aluminum travel cages that were discontinued by KingsCages during the pandemic. I have the medium one that we use as Huey's sleep cage since the big baby cannot sleep by himself (with the other birdies) in the aviary. He has to be next to momma otherwise he chews his feet. I have also moved Greycie into the bedroom on my side as she has night panics. It's terrifying to hear her thrashing around in her big cage and I'm sure one day I will lose her, so she now sleeps on a perch next to us. The problem now is, she has figured out how to flop into the bed in the middle of the night, sometimes I notice and put her back, sometimes I wake up with a Grey sleeping on my forehead. This is too dangerous so we are looking for a sleep cage for her. Below is what I'm after. I have had a CL and Farcebook MarketPlace watch for a couple of years and a few have popped up. Either they are too far away and won't ship or the one local I tried to snag got sold out from under me before I could get there. Let me know if you know anyone looking to sell! Kings Cages small travel carrier Kings Cages medium travel carrier
  17. Oh my, what a tragic event for you both! I am amazed & glad he made it through that! Has it occurred to you he has scar tissue from such a sharp item being stuck? It may hurt him to eat anything other than soft foods. Maybe he feels cared he is gonna get something stuck again, thus having you there for comfort while he eats? He may just need very soft foods like baby type foods, mashed potatoes, porridge, super soft pasta? It may hurt him to eat anything that is not super soft, tissue/scar damage can be painful . Just my thoughts. Have you tried leaving applesauce or soft butternut mashed squash for him in his bowls while you are gone to see if he tries to eat by himself. He may just lie the comfort, clearly he is still troubled & traumatized from his life-threatening ordeal. Maybe in time he will gain confidence that he can safely eat by himself , you may just have to be patient. He can't tell you why he is scared of if anything still hurts when he eats.... Please keep us posted
  18. Not quite sure how to break the dependency, but with respect to his food, can you dip his fruit into, say, some quinoa or something blended, present it to him with the new food 'hidden' on the other side of the fruit? You can also purchase freeze dried veggies, pulverize them and dip the fruit into the powdered veggies and offer the fruit pieces in a similar way. I add a combo of flaxseed meal, hemp hearts and chia seeds and sprinkle it onto my flock's banana slices. Super healthy for them. Just a few thoughts as to how to bump up his nutrition. Over time you can hopepfully reintroduce the food as separate very tiny pieces for him to hopefully pick through.
  19. Wow, so glad Jako survived! I wish I had an answer but I don't. I would keep trying to tempt him with things he likes. I might even try feeding him cooked sweet potato or some other thin foods by syringe to whet his appetite. Other than that, no ideas! Good luck
  20. Dear Friends, My companion, a Jako (African Grey Parrot), and I have been together for 15 years. In 2016, we faced an unfortunate incident when a cable tie got stuck in his crop, leading to serious health issues. The first symptoms were lethargy and loss of appetite. After blood, urine, and stool tests, as well as X-rays, we identified the problem and started a treatment plan with medication prescribed by the vet. However, even after the treatment was completed, my parrot still refused to eat on his own. To keep him alive, I had to hand-feed him a mixture of A/D Restorative Care food and baby formula using a syringe every morning and evening. Over time, he lost weight, became weak, and struggled to fly. But with great effort over nearly a year, I managed to nurse him back to health. Now, he is much better, active, and lively. However, the biggest issue remains: he still won’t eat on his own. He no longer eats the Harrison’s Bird Food or sunflower seeds he once loved. He only consumes fruits like apples, pears, and quinces. When I come home from work, he paces in his cage, waiting for me to feed him. He even holds his droppings all day and only relieves himself once I take him out and encourage him. At feeding time, he eagerly flies onto me, desperate to be hand-fed. How can I encourage him to eat on his own? How can I break this dependency? I would greatly appreciate any guidance or expert advice on helping him regain his natural eating habits. I would be truly grateful for your help. Thank you in advance for your time and support.
  21. I'm late too but Happy New Year! GreycieMae actually tanked up on eggnog news years day. What a piggy.
  22. Happy New Year to all our family & our feathers, & fur families! We put our Xmas tree between the bird rom & living room where we have 2 French doors, It is amazing how my parrots squeeze thru to fly to their cages at night!
  23. I'm a bit late to the party but happy new year everyone!
  24. Happy New Year to you, too!
  25. Happy New Year to my friends here on the forum! Hope everyone is well. We are currently in the ice/snow/cold misery of the midwest, but this too shall pass. I miss hearing from many of you, but still appreciate that this forum is still here! God bless you one and all.
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